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All You Can Eat Restaurants

All you can eat restaurants and buffets are family oriented and eating at them can save you money, especially if you want to take your whole family out to dinner. These restaurants are great for large families with big appetites.

Even though some all you can eat restaurants have been around for longer, they have grown widely in popularity over the past 20 years and some name brand restaurant chains have expanded and become very popular and successful.

All you can eat restaurants have started popping up in cities and towns, both large and small, all around the country.

Most all you can eat restaurants are relatively inexpensive, serve a large variety of foods, and there are some that offer all you can eat breakfast meals. Many Chinese restaurants have gone buffet and offer a wide variety of ethnic and American style foods.

Many traditional restaurants offer certain entrees as all you can eat, such as shrimp, pancakes, soup, bread sticks, and their own salad bar. Some restaurants offer these entrees at certain times and some offer them to the holder of specific coupons.

For a specific price, you have the run of the restaurant, picking and choosing what you want to eat, and eating as much as you want, but that does not mean that you have to eat everything on the menu.

These types of restaurants are designed to let you satisfy your hunger with as much food as you can handle, but although they are called "all you can eat restaurants," and you can go back as many times as you want, the management would prefer that you not waste the food.

Most all you can eat restaurants and buffets offer healthy choice selections, such as low calorie entrees, a well stocked salad bar, low calorie drinks, and low calorie deserts.