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Business Failure

Failure. Is failure good or bad? Failure is only a failure if you let it be. Those industries that learn and gain from their mistakes (failures) are those that survive and become highly successful.

Don't be afraid of failure; no one succeeds all of the time. Someone once told me that if you never made a mistake, then you would never learn from a mistake.

When an employee makes a mistake and the job is done incorrectly, do you criticize, brow beat, or make that employee feel like crawling in a hole in the wall? Or do you take the time to find out what the root cause of the problem was, and if it was entirely the employee's fault or not?

Think about yourself. How do you feel when your supervisor berates you for doing something wrong? You get defensive! On the other hand, how do you feel if the supervisor takes the time to explain to you what was done wrong or what you could have done differently, and how it affects the plant's production, and asks if you understand what happened so you can do better in the future? In most instances, this would make you want to do the job correctly, and you would more than likely feel that the supervisor was helping you, not reprimanding you.

The employee has responsibilities, too. It's only natural to become "defensive" when you have done something wrong. No one likes to make mistakes, and no one likes for someone to tell them he/she is wrong. What the employee needs to realize is that if he/she made the mistake, I will own up to it, but if it wasn't me, then I will let the other person know that I was not at fault. It's a big person who can accept responsibility, especially if they were in the wrong.