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Start An Online Business

If starting an online business really is your intention (not just trying to make "some quick money" on the internet), be prepared to put in a few hours' work every week. A little patience and persistence will also enhance your chances to succeed.

Building a genuine, profitable business - online or offline - takes time and effort.

If you have seen "get rich quick" offers on the internet, ask yourself this question: Will they really give me heaps of money if only I click their link and join their program? The answer should be obvious. Their "money machines" are created to make them money - not you!

Starting an online business requires only two "things": a computer and an internet connection. So it doesn't matter where on earth you are while running your business (except there has to be an internet connection).

You can do it from a rented office in the city, on vacation abroad, in your bedroom... anywhere. That's why everything said about "online business" on these pages applies to "online home business" as well.

Here are your 5 steps to success:

•Make up your mind - make a firm decision to start an internet business.
•Set a goal - without a goal you don't know where you are going.
•Make a plan - "random" work won't bring success; a plan is the bedrock of your online building.
•Work your plan - focus on your plan, stick to it, work on it (it's too easy to get distracted).
•Press on - don't stop - never give up, be patient and persistent until your goal is achieved.
As I said, starting an online business is a lot of work. Here is what you have to do (in this order):
1.Decide your business concept (find your niche).
2.Find keywords for your web pages.
3.Plan your website structure.
4.Decide your domain name.
5.Choose a good hosting service.
6.Create your website.
7.Put content on your web pages.
8.Publish your website.
9.Generate traffic (visitors) to your website.
10.Monetize your pages.

Realize that starting an online business requires much time work. However, if you follow the guidelines on this website, you are far better off than most of the people struggling to get their web business off the ground.